Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Gotta admit - death gives perspective to life. Last week a long-time friend and member of our church community went home to be with the Lord. Being a part of his life, even his death, has given me renewed perspective. I worry about little stuff. I get bent out of shape over little things. It's not worth it. It's really not. We spend so much time in the minutia of life that we sometimes miss life itself. My real fear is that this renewed perspective will simply fade as the days go by and the little stuff becomes the "big" stuff again. Man, I hope that doesn't happen.


Anonymous said...

John, I hear you loud and clear! Glen's service today was awesome and you're right ... he was that grain of sand. I felt his presence speaking to me even in his death and I'm sure that he will continue to serve the Lord as His witness even from his heavenly home. Glen spoke to me letting me know that I have let my spiritual self lay dormant for too long. I need to get back to church and cultivate this part of me once again! Awesome eulogy - love the opening story - been laughing all day about the "George Washington" reference! Sheri Anderson

joy said...

I read this once:
"To remember our death, in the midst of life, is to have a wise spritual advisor."

Jessica said...

I know exactly what you mean. So often those moments of sheer clarity that come from brokenness before the Lord fade so quickly that we wonder if they were just a dream! It's frustrating to me that it happens with such regularity that I've come to expect it, and I can't help but remind myself that it's not God who becomes less clear. I fog Him out of my life and don't let myself ponder the clarity He brings. I do it to myself, and I could just KICK myself every time I allow myself to lose those gems he gives me. This change of perspective could be much the same way....but I think remembering how this special person lived his life and doing what we can to follow that example is a remarkable tribute to Him. In all honesty, I think it would be a remarkable tribute to Jesus, too.

Anonymous said...

I have found even though I was just getting to know Glen that when I look back on my time with him, a smile is what crosses my face, and laughter fills my heart. We all must eventually die, it is my dream that when I am gone that there are those still here that will look back on my life, and be able to smile, because I was able to make them laugh. JT

Anonymous said...

John, This feeling will not fade, because he was a grain of sand that our tears or time cannot dissolve. I am working to get old friends together and share the blessings that he gave us. I will let you know more as information comes forward. Thank you for everything that you did.

Jeff Barrett